
Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board:
Site disclaimer

The Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board disclaims any and all liability whatsoever howsoever arising out of or in relation to the content of this website, including without loss of generality liability for any use or misuse for any purpose of any of the information (“the relevant information”) contained within the website or to which the website refers.

The relevant information may not be relied upon for any purpose. Any user of the site who or which intends to rely on any of the relevant information should take expert advice, from an expert of their own choosing, in relation to the matter. Access to this site, its content and the use or misuse of the relevant information is governed by the law of the State of Tasmania.

Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board
Privacy Policy

The Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board (the Board) respects the privacy of individuals. This policy outlines the way we manage personal information that we collect or that is provided to us. It applies to the Board and those employed from time to time to manage the Board’s Internet site and associated marketing activities.

The Board is bound by National Privacy Principles (Principles) contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. In summary, the Principles describe ‘personal information’ as information relating to an individual that can be used to identify that individual.

The Board collects and holds personal information about:

  • members of companies or organisations that contribute to Board
  • those who register or request information and samples for the Board’s Internet site; and
  • people who may come into contact with the Board, attend its seminars or use the information that the Board may provide.

The type of information collected varies and may include (but is not limited to) name, address, contact details, and marketing information. This information may be obtained by way of forms filled out, information provided in person or by telephone by the individuals themselves, or from a third party. In general, the Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board uses personal information to:

  • provide information or services that have been requested;
  • communicate and maintain relationships with contributors and those with an interest in Tasmanian timber;
  • provide ongoing information about Tasmanian timber products, their producers and uses; and
  • comply with legal obligations.

Depending on the service concerned, personal information may be disclosed to:

  • timber producers or suppliers who can supply requested material or product information;
  • service providers and specialist advisers to the Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board who have been contracted to provide administrative or other services; and
  • a person authorised by an individual.

Generally, the Board requires that outside organisations who handle or obtain personal information acknowledge the confidentiality of this information, undertake to respect any individual’s right to privacy and comply with the Principles and this policy.

The Board is required by the Principles to safeguard the security and privacy of your information. This includes an obligation to take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. The Principles also require Board not to store personal information longer than necessary. Where the Board no longer requires any personal information that we hold, we will destroy that personal information or remove details which may identify individuals.

You may obtain access to any personal information which the Board holds about you, unless one of the exceptions in the Principles applies by writing to:

The Manager
Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board
GPO Box 1682
Hobart 7001

The Board may charge a fee to cover the cost of verifying the application and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any material requested.


Copyright for the material on this site remains with the Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright owners of additional source material. Where the attempts have been unsuccessful or accreditation is incorrect, the site authors will rectify any omission on notification.

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