June 6, 2019
Hydrowood is timber reclaimed from the depths of the Pieman River (hydro) Dam on Tasmania's West Coast. The sustainably salvaged specialty timbers include Huon Pine, Sassafras and Myrtle as well as Eucalyptus and Blackwood and are ideal for use by furniture designers, woodworkers, as well as in high-end residential and commercial construction.
Britton Timbers
June 6, 2019
Britton Timbers are trusted to produce quality timber and outstanding customer service. They have been doing it for more than 110 years. Britton Timbers are a preferred source for premium Tasmanian timbers.
Celery Top Pine
June 6, 2019
A durable and tough timber that provides a hard-wearing surface for flooring and an attractive fine-grained appearance with feature knots and figure for a beautifully unique character in furniture.
Tasmanian Oak
June 1, 2019
Tasmanian Oak is the preferred hardwood for a wide range of applications; scantlings, panelling, flooring, glulam spans, veneers, plywood, furniture. Fibre for reconstituted board and the production of high-quality paper.
Rockpool: where grandeur and homeliness blend seamlessly
November 27, 2018
Despite the grandeur of this seven-bedroom, three-bathroom (plus powder room) resort-like “shack”, the interior design brief was to create a space that exudes both warmth and comfort where friends and loved ones could walk in and didn’t feel the need to remove their shoes at the door.
Tasmanian Timber Masterclasses Online
July 4, 2018
Two free masterclasses, Working with Tasmanian Timber and Timber for Internal Applications, designed specifically for architects, interior designers, specifiers, builders, and joiners, are now available online.
Masterclass - Working with Tasmanian Timber
July 4, 2018
This seminar is designed for builders, joiners and those working with timber. It covers the species of Tasmanian timber available and their source of supply, major characteristics and product range. It will then discuss essential aspects of timber storage and handling practice for preparing and assembling major architectural and timber-rich components. As timber is a natural material, the wood moisture content (MC) and its management are critical to successful production and installation. Guidance will be provided on this and similar issues, suitable finishes, grade definitions and suppliers.
Masterclass - Tasmanian Timber for Internal Applications
July 4, 2018
This seminar is designed for architects, interior designers and anyone specifying timber. It covers the species of Tasmanian timber available and their source of supply, major characteristics and product range, before discussing essential detailing and specification practice for major architectural applications. As timber is a natural material, its slight movement in response to surrounding environmental conditions calls for clear design approaches. Guidance will be provided on this and similar issues, suitable finishes, grade definitions and suppliers.