Chain of Custody
Chain of Custody certification assures designers and customers that the timber and wood products delivered to a project come from certified forest.
Both PEFC and FSC have Chain of Custody Certification programs that partner with their forest certification schemes. PEFC Chain of Custody certification under Australian Standard AS 4707, involves tracking forest-based products from the sustainable source to the final product. Each step of the supply chain is closely monitored through independent auditing. This ensures that only certified sustainable material enters the marketplace.
Every log is bar-coded
In Tasmania, every log made available by the PEFC-certified Sustainable Timber Tasmania is barcoded when felled so that it can be tracked back to the coupe where it was harvested, and the forest practices plan that ensured the coupe was sustainably managed. Timber processors can then track the log through the mill to the finished product that is made available to the marketplace.
Chain of Custody – Peace of mind for consumers
Chain of Custody ensures that the end product consumers are purchasing has come from a sustainably managed forest. A piece of furniture or timber product with Chain of Custody certification carries the PEFC, Responsible Wood or FSC logo with an identification number.
Through that identification number, every process the timber has gone through can be traced back to the forest practices plan that governed its sustainable harvest.
To read more: www.chainofcustody.com.au