Fiona Lyda

Retail & Design

Episode 3| 2022-05-23 00:00:00

"What has always driven Spence & Lyda and always driven me, is a fascination for the why of the thing, not just the wow of the thing. There needs to be a reason for things to exist, and it can be and should be obviously beauty, but it really should also carry with it the embodied elements of care for our planet, care for ourselves, and the stories behind why it's being built."

Fiona Lyda

Fiona Lyda is the Principal behind Spence & Lyda, a Sydney retail showroom that seeks to showcase design that adds meaning to the living experience - pieces designed to stay in our lives for generations. She has a background as a production designer, art director and spent 20 years as a costume designer for film and tv, before opening Spence & Lyda.

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