Ona Flindall

Timber Construction

Episode 16| 31 July 2023

"Because we're timber focused, we're very concerned with what surfaces you touch. The experience of your feet on a floor will feel much warmer if it's a timber floor than if it's a tiled floor. That's about the conductivity of the materials, right? So the timber will reflect the heat back at you, whereas the tile floor will drain that heat from the soles of your feet. You have to have a higher temperature overall for it to be experienced as a comfortable space to be in, whereas in a timber building because it has that reflective ability, you can lower the overall temperature."

Ona Flindall

Ona Flindall is the award-winning CEO of Oslotre, a leading Norwegian architectural firm with a focus on innovative and sustainable timber constructions. A prominent figure in eco-friendly architecture, Ona shares her expertise through frequent national and international lectures, and by teaching at the Oslo School of Architecture.

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